Birth Injuries Resulting from Insufficient Monitoring

Failure to Monitor Birth injury

The birth of a child is one of the most momentous occasions in any parent’s life. It is the beginning of numerous memories, cherished moments, and unconditional love. Unfortunately, for some new parents, these precious moments are tarnished by careless medical providers whose actions or lack thereof may change their lives and the lives of their children forever.

Pregnancy and birth are complicated. Without proper monitoring, the health of both the mother and child can be compromised, resulting in serious birth injuries and even death. At Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., our compassionate and experienced birth injury attorneys represent families impacted by birth injuries resulting from insufficient monitoring due to medical negligence.

If you believe severe complications were the result of failure to monitor, it is time to consult a knowledgeable birth injury lawyer for help. We’ve helped recover significant compensation in numerous medical malpractice cases, including an $8.9 million victory for the family of an infant who suffered brain damage due to obstetricians’ failure to appreciate a pattern of non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracings. Contact our office today and learn more with a free legal consultation.

Ways Healthcare Providers Monitor Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are complex physical and mental processes. There is a fallacy that because women have been doing it for thousands of years without the help of modern medical intervention, the process is “easy.” Nothing is further from the truth. Women may have been giving birth for ages, but they have also been dying in the process for thousands of years as well.

Monitoring can help ensure healthy and happy babies and mothers. How often and what forms healthcare monitoring takes depends on the age and health of the mother and whether any conditions may complicate the pregnancy and birth process, such as congenital conditions or disabilities in the unborn child. Some of the ways healthcare providers monitor the health and wellness of the mother and her child during pregnancy, labor, and delivery can include:

  • Regular prenatal check-ups
  • Ultrasounds
  • Anatomy scans
  • Checking fetal size and position
  • Tests checking the health of the mother for signs of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes
  • Electronic fetal monitoring of the baby’s heart rate during labor
  • Checking the newborn baby for signs of jaundice or other abnormalities
  • Checking the mother and baby for high blood pressure
  • Watching the mother for signs of excessive bleeding
  • Checking the newborn at regular intervals for signs of respiratory distress or other issues

At no point in life is a woman more vulnerable than during pregnancy and childbirth. She and her family rely on medical providers to protect her and her unborn child. When a medical provider fails to monitor a mother and child properly, the results can be life-changing for families.

Signs of Inadequate Monitoring and Medical Malpractice

Giving birth is physically and emotionally demanding. At first, you only worry about caring for your newborn bundle and learning how to be a mother. Many women also experience a sudden wave of emotions after birth. That, plus the onslaught and significant change in hormone levels post-pregnancy, can make it challenging to see the signs of inadequate fetal monitoring and medical malpractice. All you want to see is your baby.

Medical malpractice is a mistake caused by a healthcare professional’s deviation from the accepted standard of care. Typically, an attorney asks whether similarly trained and educated medical staff would give a patient the same level of care under similar conditions. When the answer is no, it can point to medical malpractice.

Signs of medical malpractice and insufficient monitoring can include:

  • Failing to monitor the health of mother and child before birth
  • Failing to monitor fetal heart rate
  • Failing to diagnose abnormal fetal heart rates or abnormalities
  • Leaving a baby unattended for too long
  • Failing to time the intervals of a mother’s contractions
  • Failing to detect fetal distress
  • Failing to monitor an infant for common issues like respiratory distress and hypoglycemia
  • Failing to examine a baby for injuries after using medical devices like forceps or vacuum extraction equipment

If you or your family suspect fetal monitoring errors by your healthcare professionals resulted in an injury to your child, discuss your concerns with an experienced birth injury attorney.

Birth Injuries and Complications That Can Arise Due to Insufficient Monitoring

Unfortunately, insufficient monitoring on the part of medical providers can result in severe birth injuries and childbirth complications. Prenatal monitoring procedures are in place for a reason: they help medical professionals watch mothers and babies for signs of distress, disease, and potential issues that can complicate the birthing process.

Without proper monitoring, a medical professional can fail to realize that a baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, causing birth asphyxia, or the baby is not getting enough oxygen, which can result in permanent brain damage. If a medical professional fails to monitor the size of the baby via ultrasounds and other diagnostic testing, it can mean a large infant gets delivered via a dangerous vaginal birth when a cesarean delivery could have prevented complications and birth injuries. There are numerous examples of how a lack of monitoring by medical professionals can lead to dire repercussions for mother and child, including the possibility of lifelong disabilities.

Some of the more common birth injuries and complications that can result from insufficient monitoring can include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Brachial plexus injuries or Erb’s palsy
  • Hemorrhages
  • Broken bones
  • Infections
  • Facial paralysis
  • Nerve damage

The long-term complications from a birth injury can include physical disabilities, mobility issues, and deformities. Seizures and problems with hearing, vision, and muscle control are also common complications. Children who suffer specific birth injuries may also fail to meet physical and cognitive milestones and can face learning difficulties, developmental delays, and intellectual disabilities.

Contact an Experienced Birth Injury Attorney Now for Help

What do you do when a negligent medical act like insufficient monitoring steals the joy you and your family are supposed to feel during the birth of a child? How do you compensate a family whose hopes and dreams change in an instant because of a significant birth injury? At Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., we want to be there for you during life’s toughest trials, fighting to recover the compensation your family deserves.

If your child suffered serious injuries or other health issues because of insufficient monitoring, talk to a Philadelphia birth injury lawyer today. Contact our law firm today for a free consultation.

Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg, & Jeck, P.C.
1634 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Phone: (215) 585-2814